Wednesday, May 11, 2016

8 Lessons Learned from Freshman Year

My freshman year of college has come and gone in the blink of an eye. It was kind of crazy how fast it went by. In the midst of the school year, it felt like life was dragging on. The school work never ended and the days were so long. Looking back though, it breezed by me! Anyhoo, here are a few things I personally took away from my first year of college.

1. Wake up much earlier before you need to leave
I mean this is pretty obvious but for a solid month during the fall semester I was waking up 15 minutes before I needed to leave before I hit traffic. Of course, I was setting myself up for forgetting important stuff and being rushed in the morning. By spring, I had a great morning routine set. Time to wash my face, make my bed, make up + hair (I am the girl that loves to semi-dress up for class, sorry not sorry), and even eat breakfast. You learn as you go I suppose. 

2. Write everything down in your planner
I swear my planner saved my life this year. Everything I needed to do was right there. Only problem was when I forgot to put something in the good old planner. Like tuition bill payments (they have late fees ya know) Oops. 

3. Get involved on campus
I'm a commuter, so getting involved with on campus activities can be a bit of a challenge. I decided to join the homecoming committee and volunteered around campus and it was a great way to meet new friends (also that kind of stuff looks great on a resume).

4. Don't procrastinate
Again, another obvious thing. But getting a head start on your work is easier in the long run. All it takes is some extra effort. I learned that I needed to get started on assignments ASAP. So that meant immediate trips to the writing center and my favorite spot at the library.

5. Find study spots!!
Definitely a biggie for me. I loved getting to explore the ins and outs of campus for good study spots. 4th floor of the library, tables outside of law school, 2nd floor of the library hidden away in Microfilms & Periodicals. You don't find these nooks easily. I loved getting to settle with my iced americano into my study spot for a long study sesh. 

6. Try not to miss class (but know when it's appropriate not to show up)
I didn't miss a single class this year. What a freshman thing to do, am I right? There were definitely a few classes I could have missed. But I am paying good money for these classes. And participation points do help when final grades come around

7. Don't get distracted
My number one problem. Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, making Spotify playlists...I could have gotten so much more work done if I had put these away. I want to make it a goal to save social media for certain times of the day only, kind of like a reward.  

8. Enjoy every day as it comes
Sometimes college is really fun. Sometimes it drags by. Regardless, I want to enjoy these four years (now three more years!!) and make the most of them! I found a quote that fits this so well, I even pinned it on my bulletin board above my desk. 
"Appreciate life as it happens. Moments will soon pass and you will wish you had treasured them more"

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