Saturday, September 13, 2014

Hospitality Tip: Pre Cookie Dough

We've all experienced hospitality in one way or another. Maybe someone invited you over for dinner,or you needed a place to stay for the night and someone opened their home to you. They welcome you into their family and make you feel comfortable. Its also very important to take initiative and actually be the one showing hospitality. It doesn't matter if you have a big house or a small apartment, there is always a way to open your home to welcome someone in. Whether its a meal or a movie night, hospitality is a great way to show kindness to others. 

One super easy hospitality tip is to keep cookie dough stocked in the fridge. So, when you have unexpected guests or just have someone over for a game night, you have an easy treat ready to go. It doesn't even have to be homemade cookie dough; store-bought works just as well. I don't know about you, but nothing smells better than warm cookies out of the oven. Also, a great way to make your guest feel less awkward is by giving them something to do. I'm pretty sure everyone can make cookies, but if not, teach them! Pre-cookie dough (as I like to call it) is a super simple yet awesome way to show hospitality. 


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